16U (2009 birthyear) Tryouts with coach Chad Crawford
Location & Dates
Tuesday September 17th 6-8pm - Bayshore
Friday September 20th 6-8pm - Bayshore
Tuesday September 24th 6-8pm - Bayshore (Cancelled & Reschedule date below)
Thursday September 26th 6-8pm - Bayshore
If a fourth tryout is needed it will be at invitation only.
16U T2 (2010 & 2009 Birthyears) Tryouts with Coach Jamie Calbury
Tuesday October 8th - 6:00-8:00 - Bayshore Diamond (Quinte West)
Thursday October 10th- 6:30-8:30pm - Rotary Diamond (Belleville)
Please remember you must tryout for your birth year and review the tryout policy prior to attending (available on the Royals website under "forms")
You must attend minimum of two tryouts to be considered, new players must provide proof of age and address
Please contact Coach Chad with questions at chadcrawford5@gmail.com